Blogs from Jess

Saturday, September 23, 2006

1st day of Fall

Hello all..

Happy first day of Fall!!

The most wonderful time of all.

Ok thats a little much. :)

This is my favorite season because of the coolness the air brings (eventually), the colors, and my desire to start baking always remerges around this time of year.
I love the conversations because Justin's family begins talking about opening day, what kind of deer there will be on the lease, and everything hunting. I have never seen such a deep passion of something passed down and infiltrated through a family.

What is your favorite season?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Off the deep end

Wow!! The far left has finally done it, they have gone off of the deep end.

Read the full page advertisement that was published in USA Today on September 20, 2006 that not only attacks Bush but Christians as well.

See the advertisement attached below:

Friday, September 15, 2006

I've got it!

Today I purchased a Bible. Thanks to the help of fellow bloggers, I had a good idea of what i was looking for. Then as i was browsing the Bible row at BAM i saw it: a parallel bible. the bible written in the New American Standard and The message version all in one bible. The two versions run parallel, hence the name, to each other. So basically what i am trying to get at is i got two bibles in one. Another thing i like about the parallel bible is that i can compare translations very easily because they are side-by-side. Awsome find!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What's your favorite...

I have been faced with a predicament. My Bible has recently fallen apart, all of the pages have come unbound. This bums me out because I have so many things marked in my current Bible that won't be marked in whatever Bible i choose to buy. So I guess my question for you, the readers of this blog, is; What is your favorite version of the Bible and why?

Friday, September 08, 2006

Where am I

I am taking a CMCN class this semester(public speaking). Our first assignment was to write and give a personal introductory speech. Part of the speech included talking about a life experience.

I was caught completely off guard when one of the girls got up and talked about a God-centered supernatural experience. She talked about how God saved her from an accident and then went on to say how Jesus loves each of us and He is willing to save us too. Wow. This blew me away. Little did I know that the suprises weren't going to stop there. On the second day of speeches a guy got up and gave his TESTIMONY, yes i said testimony, as his life experience. I never thought I would hear someone stand up in front of a classroom of about 30 students and give their testimony and say where God is continuing to lead them.

Praise God for believers who aren't ashamed!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ahh Louisiana's education system

I found out a couple of days ago that i only have to take 10 hours to graduate in the spring, which got me very excited. Then, today it dawned on me, i have to be registered for at least 12 hours to receive my scholarship which pays for my tuition. Man, i have to take an extra class, "extra work", just for money.

I love i,t they could just let me take my 10 hours and subtract the proportionally equivalent of the unused money out of the scholarship and save themselves some money, but no, that would seem too logical for the great state of Louisiana.

There is something good to come from this unfortunate mishap. The 2 hours that get me to my 12 hour minimum are just that 2 hours to use for whatever I want. Can we say easy A. To add on to this positive notion, i will use my 2 hours in basic scuba. yes i said scuba.

What will i need this for you ask? Justin's parents are planning on doing a family trip to Florida next year where we will have the option to go diving if we want. I will already be certified. Thanks for paying Louisiana!