Blogs from Jess

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I have been so overwhelmed with school these past few weeks. I feel like i am being pushed under waves that are crashing over me and i can't swim out of them. I have a psyc paper due on the 8th and i love the topic b/c i got to choose it but i am struggling with finding the time to research and write it.

Topic: Spirituality and Well-being.

I am so excited about this paper, I wish i had more time to devote to it.

Just a note about the restrictions of our government

To best understand this post, know that I am refering to the conversation with cajungatorguy.

Jacque, general tso and Scott you all have a point.

Our government does put more and more restrictions on our lives as the years go by but that is because our standards change from decade to decade. We gradually desensitize ourselves, as Americans, to the "deviant" if you will. If 60 or 70 years ago the rate of abortions and marriage protection were not an issue then why are they now. Society has become more liberal in its beliefs so we are arguing about the life of a child or the definition of marriage. The US population has desensitized itself as a whole to the deviant in the past and found new things to point the finger at. It looks like we are at a stage where the "rule makers" are trying to make a transition again.

To illustrate this point I feel it necessary that I mention the movie Demolition Man. If you have ever seen this Sylvester Stallone movie then you know exactly what I am refering to, if not you should see the movie, it is quite entertaining.

The basic storyline is that in the future society will have put so many restrictions on the people that the only fast food restaurant that is still legal is Taco Bell. You have to have a license to get married and have children. You are cited for using foul language. The idea is that anything that is bad for you is illegal.

The movie is a perfect example of Scott, Jacque, and general tso's thoughts.

We will continue to make laws to improve the quality of life, but we will always search to find something to deviantize others with.

Friday, October 06, 2006

This one goes out to Scott!

Is this what they call fast food?