Blogs from Jess

Monday, April 30, 2007

What am I doing different?

So I have been told by many people that you gain a lot more weight during pregnancies following your first. But i have not been experiencing that at all. i'm 25 weeks now and i've only gained 7 pounds. maybe it will change but as for right now i don't see it. maybe its chasing after Janna that is keeping my weight down.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


tonight has been a successful night of blogging. but i'm all out of riveting things to be posting. goodnight.

can anyone one guess what came next?

A BATH. a very soapy one.

The End is Near.

3 glorious weeks left of school. i don't think i can take it. To make it even better I only have Tues/Thurs classes so I've only got 4 classes left plus finals. Hallelujah! It is going to be strange for me to be out of school for so long. Oh well i guess i'll have Janna and baby #2 keeping me busy enough.

talk radio

i really like listening to talk radio. today AFR had an interesting topic involving how liberal we are letting laws get in the US. a part of their point was in saying that we as a nation over time said it was ok for girls/women to have abortions and its ok for teenage boys to get as many condoms as they want from school health clinics without parental notice. so i was thinking it sounds like we are letting our teenagers play in the street. yep thats the analogy that came into my head while driving to pick up Janna. They are just playing, like a toddler would play in the street not completely understanding the repercussions of their actions. We are letting our children play on a very dangerous street where the cars are driving at speeds these teens can't grasp and they don't make exceptions as to whom they hit.